ButterflyMX is the best cannabis security guard alternative


Key takeaways

  • The cannabis industry requires specialized security measures due to its unique vulnerabilities.
  • Traditional security guards may not be the most effective or cost-efficient option.
  • Alternative cannabis security solutions include access control systems, keycard and fob systems, front desk software, and security cameras.
  • Implementing these solutions can enhance security, ensure compliance with regulations, and provide peace of mind for dispensary owners and customers.


As the cannabis industry continues to grow, so do the security and access challenges faced by dispensaries. While security guards have been a traditional choice for many commercial properties, there are now more advanced and effective cannabis security solutions available. These alternatives not only enhance safety but also offer cost savings and operational efficiencies.

In the post below, we give you three alternatives to security guards for cannabis dispensaries. What’s more, we emphasize the best cannabis security guard alternative and answer your questions about cannabis security.

In this post, discover:


ButterflyMX Access Control CTA


Why a cannabis security guard is ineffective for your dispensary?

A cannabis security guard is a hired professional who uses their expertise to maintain a secure atmosphere for cannabis dispensaries. Despite their goals, security guards at dispensaries are not as effective as you might think.

Cannabis dispensary security guards come with several drawbacks:

  • Unwelcoming by nature. While security can be a common concern for many business owners, having a security guard posted at the front of your building can project an unwelcome feeling on some visitors.
  • Unnecessary cost. Employing security personnel can be expensive due to wages, benefits, and training. This can be a burden for smaller businesses that don’t have the resources to hire full-time security.
  • Human error. Security guards can be prone to fatigue and distractions, leading to potential lapses in vigilance. As such, some dispensary owners may be better off relying on a cannabis security guard alternative such as access control systems.
  • Limited coverage. Guards can only monitor a limited area at any given time, leaving other parts of the facility vulnerable. For the best visibility, security cameras could be a better investment.

To address these issues, businesses are increasingly turning to technology-driven solutions that offer more comprehensive and reliable protection.


4 cannabis security guard alternatives

Modern cannabis security solutions leverage the latest in property technology to provide superior protection and efficiency.

Here are the top four proptech solutions that cannabis dispensaries can use to increase security and enhance visitor management:

  1. Access control system
  2. Keycard and fob system
  3. Front desk software
  4. Security cameras


1. Access control system

While securing your property is a concern, the ability for people to visit your dispensary is also a priority. A security guard will keep people out, but an access control system can help get the right people in.

Key features of an access control system for cannabis companies include:

  • High-definition video quality to view visitors as they request access to your dispensary.
  • Wide-angle lenses to cover more areas and view more actions on the premises.
  • Remote access for real-time monitoring to allow visitors and employees to access the property.


the best cannabis security guard alternative is butterflymx


2. Keycard and fob system

We know how active a cannabis dispensary can be and that allowing the flow of staff, owners, and other professionals is critical to the operation. With this in mind, it’s important to have a system that not only secures the building but empowers employees to enter and exit the building with ease.

The right keycard and fob system will facilitate movement around the dispensary by:

  • Making it simple for employees and managers to easily hold their keycard or key fob against the mullion reader and open doors, gates, and storage rooms.
  • Securing sensitive areas within the dispensary so that only authorized personnel are allowed in specific areas of the building.
  • Empower employees to use their smartphone app as an access credential with the right app so they no longer have to remember keys and fobs.


3. Front desk software

Cannabis tourism is starting to pick up in states where dispensaries are open to customers. As such, having a robust, organized visitor management system will help your company welcome more guests with ease.

Effective dispensary visitor management systems help maintain a secure and organized environment, ensuring that all visitors are accounted for and managed efficiently.

Key features of front desk software for visitor management include:

  • Visitor registration and tracking systems so that you know who is moving around the property during their tour.
  • Live streaming video where you can monitor the storefront from anywhere – whether you’re on the premise or working remotely.
  • Integration with access control systems for quick and easy access to pre-scheduled visitors.


4. Security cameras

Security cameras are a cornerstone of any effective cannabis security strategy, providing continuous surveillance that can set your mind at ease. High-definition cannabis security cameras with advanced features, such as infrared night vision, motion detection, and wide-angle lenses, ensure comprehensive coverage of all critical areas within a dispensary.

What’s more, modern cannabis security cameras often offer remote access capabilities, allowing dispensary owners and managers to monitor their facilities in real time from any location via smartphones or computers.


See ButterflyMX in action with a case study on Phenix Salon Suites:


How to choose a cannabis security guard alternative

When selecting cannabis security solutions, it’s essential to compare different products and services to find the best fit for your needs.

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Scalability. Ensure the system can grow with your business with a cloud-based directory that can be added onto over time.
  • Integration. Look for solutions that work well together for seamless operation. For instance, make sure your security system can integrate with property management software or other helpful software options to provide seamless accessibility.
  • Compliance. Verify that the system meets all regulatory requirements. The reason is that you may need to provide proof of compliance for insurance purposes.
  • Cost. Consider both initial setup costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. Furthermore, budget in software fees for certain types of services such as 24/7 monitoring or cloud-based memory.
  • Support. Choose a provider with excellent customer service and support options. Moreover, consider shopping around until you find a company that puts their customers first.


Implementing cannabis security solutions

To effectively implement these cannabis security solutions, follow these practical steps:

  • Assess your needs. Conduct a thorough security assessment of your facility to identify vulnerabilities and determine your specific requirements.
  • Research providers. Investigate different security solution providers, focusing on their reputation, experience, and customer reviews.
  • Plan the installation. Work with your chosen provider to create a detailed installation and security plan, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.


What is the best cannabis security guard alternative?

The best cannabis security guard alternative is ButterflyMX.

With our robust ecosystem of access control and security solutions, you won’t have to choose between creating a welcoming atmosphere for customers and protecting your assets. ButterflyMX is currently installed in more than 10,000 buildings and caters to commercial customers who want a modern solution to comfort and security.

The ButterflyMX products that would best suit cannabis dispensaries include:


Front Desk Station

The ButterflyMX Front Desk Station creates a welcoming environment for visitors to your dispensary and can be downloaded on any desktop at the entrance of your building. Guests can check in with the manager using the two-way video communication feature and ask any questions they might have.

Furthermore, property managers and dispensary owners can monitor entry and exit actions by viewing the live stream video. They can also interact with visitors or staff members remotely.


Video Intercom System

The Video Intercom — our flagship product — is an industry-leading system with versatile features and a sleek design.

Features of the Video Intercom include:

  • User-friendly mobile app that staff can use to video chat with visitors and grant access. This makes allowing visitors into the dispensary easy and secure because staff can see who they’re letting in.
  • Integration capabilities with smart locks to ensure seamless and secure entry actions every time. This makes connecting all the systems in your building easy and convenient.
  • Cloud-based property manager dashboard to easily edit access permissions remotely. This ensures scalability no matter the growth of your company.
  • Time- and date-stamped photos are stored in the cloud for management to review anytime. This feature enables you to retain important audit trails for future use.


Access Control

Lastly, the ButterflyMX Access Control System includes the Mullion Reader and the Keypad, which accept both key cards and PIN codes.

Benefits of our Access Control System include:

  • Multiple credential options, including PIN codes, key cards, fobs, and the mobile app. With these credential options, users can choose which method they prefer to use to gain access to the building.
  • Managers can remotely grant and revoke access credentials from the dashboard. As such, managers and owners can control permissions without having to be on the property.
  • ButterflyMX Access Control works with all our other products to ensure an end-to-end security solution for your property.


Frequently asked questions about cannabis security


Why do dispensaries have security?

Dispensaries have security because some facilities have a large quantity of highly-valued cannabis. As such, owners and managers are obligated to ensure only credentialed visitors are allowed to access those areas.


Do dispensaries have silent alarms?

Yes, some dispensaries have silent alarms.


dispensary security cta

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Rebecca Cline

Rebecca is based in Northern Virginia and has been a writer all her life. She loves learning new things and enjoys writing everything from real estate to property management!

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