ButterflyMX Elevator Controls


ButterflyMX elevator control system (ECS) allows for selective control of different elevators within a building, also known as zoned elevator controls.

Below, we outline six potential scenarios that would benefit from zoned elevator controls and describe how ButterflyMX solves the elevator access problem in each scenario.


View the Elevator Controls Setup Options Guide


Here are the six potential scenarios that would benefit from zoned elevator controls:

  1. Floor-by-floor lockout
  2. Multiple elevator cabs in 1 bank in the building
  3. 1 entrance with a ButterflyMX intercom, and 2 separate towers
  4. 2 entrances with ButterflyMX video intercoms
  5. entrance with a ButterflyMX intercom, 1 elevator
  6. Elevator lobby is locked, but no floor lockout restrictions


Scenario 1: Floor-by-floor lockout

The building manager would like to implement a floor-by-floor lockout.

The lockout scheme, determined by the elevator controller, is accommodated by the ButterflyMX ECS. Each floor is locked out by default, and the elevator cab has a card reader. Residents use their key fob to access the floor that they live on. When a visitor calls a resident from the ButterflyMX touchscreen at the building access point, the resident grants them access. Then, the resident’s floor is unlocked in the elevator cab. A customizable timer determines the length of time the floor is unlocked.


Scenario 2: Multiple elevator cabs in one bank in the building

Multiple elevator cabs are in one bank in the building, with a floor-by-floor lockout. We want to allow visitors to access the appropriate floor in any of the elevators in that bank.

The installer should wire in parallel from the ButterflyMX ECS to the ACS (access control system). So, when a visitor is granted access by a resident at the front door ButterflyMX touchscreen, the resident’s floor is unlocked in each elevator cab. A customizable timer determines the length of time that the associated elevator floor is unlocked, starting when the visitor is granted access through the ButterflyMX touchscreen at the building entry point.


Scenario 3: One entrance with a ButterflyMX intercom, and two separate towers

One entrance has a ButterflyMX intercom and two separate residential towers, North and South. Each tower has its elevator. The building would like visitors to be granted ONLY to the correct tower.

We will assign zones to the elevator modules. For example, Zone 1 is the North Tower, and Zone 2 is the South Tower. You will need at least 1 small ECS module per tower unless the access control panel for both towers is centrally located.


Scenario 4: Two entrances with ButterflyMX video intercoms

A building has two entrances with ButterflyMX video intercom. There are also two separate residential towers, North and South. Each tower has a bank of three elevators with 10 floors.

The building manager wants visitors to access only the correct tower, and they must enter from the corresponding entrance. In other words, visitors to the North Tower must enter at the North Entrance and South Tower visitors at the South Entrance. However, they should be able to use any of the three elevators in the correct tower.

We assign zones to the towers. Zone 1 is the North Tower, and Zone 2 is the South Tower.
Zone 1 residents only appear on the directory for the intercom at the North entrance. Zone 2 residents only appear on the directory for the intercom at the South entrance.

Each tower requires two small ECS modules. The modules are wired in parallel so that all three elevator cabs can be unlocked on one request. Each tower has a floor-by-floor lockout.


Scenario 5: One entrance with a ButterflyMX intercom, one elevator

There is one entrance with a ButterflyMX intercom and one elevator with eight floors. There are four duplex units: Floors 1 and 2, floors 3 and 4, floors 5 and 6, and floors 7 and 8. The elevator opens into the unit. A visitor to a duplex needs to be granted access to both floors from one request.

We assign a floor to the residents. In this case, we will assign one of the two floors of the duplex. So, the first/second-floor duplex is considered Floor 1. The ECS module will be wired in parallel from relay 1 on the ECS board to the inputs for floors 1 and 2 on the ACS board. So, a positive request to access Floor 1 will also unlock Floor 2 in the elevator cab.


Scenario 6: Elevator lobby is locked, but no floor lockout restrictions

The elevator lobby is locked, but there are no floor lockout restrictions once visitors or tenants are in the elevator. If the residents need a key fob to unlock the elevator at the ground level, how do visitors get into the elevator?

The ButterflyMX ECS will be wired to trigger the relay for unlocking the lobby floor button. So, if a visitor calls a resident and is granted access through the front door touchscreen, the ECS will fire the relay to unlock the elevator in the lobby. This will happen regardless of the floor on which the resident lives. In other words, one relay on the ButterflyMX ECS is wired to the relay for the elevator lobby. Every resident, regardless of the floor that they live on, is associated with the elevator lobby button relay in the elevator settings for the building.


Zoned Elevator Controls

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Frank Frehill

I help real estate professionals understand how to install and manage IoT systems. I'm a New York native.

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