church security system


Key takeaways

  • The best church security system is ButterflyMX.
  • You should have security for your church because it helps protect your property and the congregation, preserving your community.
  • Secure your church by implementing a mix of security equipment — cameras, access control, alarms — and policies, such as risk assessments, emergency response plans, and 24/7 monitoring.


Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and other places of worship have faced increasing concerns with physical security risks. Consequently, church security systems have never been more important.

This buyer’s guide will help you continue cultivating a welcoming and secure atmosphere for all members. You’ll discover why churches should have security systems, what equipment to implement, and what to consider when choosing a solution. Most importantly, you’ll find the best church security system on the market.

This post covers:


ButterflyMX Access Control CTA


How can I secure my church?

There are two primary ways to secure your church: equipment and procedures. You should implement a combination of security equipment and safety procedures for the most effective solution. Thus, you’ll lower the risk of security breaches and ensure a comprehensive approach to protecting your church community.

Commonly used church security equipment includes:

  • Access control systems
  • Smart locks
  • Elevator controls
  • Security cameras and video surveillance
  • Alarm systems
  • Sensors
  • Fire and emergency systems
  • Cybersecurity systems
  • Metal detectors and turnstiles
  • Gates or barrier arms
  • Visitor management systems
  • Panic buttons

Consider some of these security procedures to increase safety at your church:

  • Emergency response plans
  • Annual physical security assessment
  • Security and safety training
  • Cybersecurity penetration testing
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Lockdown procedures
  • Law enforcement partnerships
  • Communication protocols
  • Security patrolling


Should churches have security?

Yes, churches should have security because it helps maintain the safety of the congregation.

Unfortunately, churches are not immune to security risks such as vandalism, theft, harassment, and even violence. In fact, hostility and violence toward churches are higher than ever before. In 2023, there were at least 915 acts of hostility targeting churches, which included vandalism, gun violence, bomb threats, arson, and more.

Therefore, many religious institutions have opted to enhance their security measures to protect their communities and properties, such as installing security cameras, employing security personnel, conducting risk assessments, or implementing emergency response protocols.


Considerations for church security systems

Churches vary in size, architectural styles, and locations and serve diverse demographics, making the selection of an appropriate security system complex. Indeed, there is no universal church security system, as each congregation’s needs and circumstances differ.

So, when choosing a church security system, consider the following:

  • Integrations. Simplify the security of your church with a system that integrates with other software and hardware your property uses. Therefore, you’ll have peace of mind with a holistic security approach for your church, and employees can operate more efficiently.
  • Ease of use. Ensure your employees and churchgoers know how your security system works to reduce potential security breaches or mishaps. An easy-to-use church security system will protect you more effectively than one that’s complicated to manage.
  • Scalability. Expand your security system alongside your congregation. As your church grows over time, your security should do the same, so look for a system that can easily scale and meet your needs as time goes on.
  • Flexibility. Your security system should be applied across all types of environments and entryways at your church. A flexible security system is best because it adheres to your church’s unique entryways and areas, increasing your facility’s security without additional costs.
  • Future-proof. Invest in security that will last long after it’s installed. For instance, implement a cloud-based security system, as it can receive updates and new features after it’s installed. In turn, you won’t have to invest in another security system any time soon.
  • Remote functionality. Manage your church security with a system that supports remote functionality through an online portal or mobile app. Thus, you’ll have insight into your church and can even manage it regardless of where you are.


Learn how ButterflyMX works:


What is the best security for churches?

The best security system for churches is ButterflyMX.

ButterflyMX is a cloud-based access control company that’s been installed in more than 10,000 buildings. With a property-wide access solution, ButterflyMX enables users to enter the areas they need with their smartphones while allowing property managers to manage their system from anywhere using the online dashboard or mobile app.

The ButterflyMX access control platform includes the following features:

  • Keypads and readers that accept multiple credentials: smartphones, PIN codes, key cards, and fobs.
  • Integrate your surveillance cameras, smart locks, software, and more with your access control system for a comprehensive security solution.
  • Vehicle readers and windshield tags provide touchless/keyless entry into your parking facilities.
  • A detailed audit log gives you information regarding who accessed what areas, which is stored for up to a year.
  • Manage your system remotely by using the ButterflyMX mobile app or the online dashboard.
  • Enable your congregation to reserve amenity spaces for events using the amenity reservation feature in the mobile app.
  • Implement elevator controls to manage who has access to certain floors in your church.
  • Use a single platform to manage access across your entire property, from public areas and elevators to garages and administrative offices.


Church security FAQs


How much does a church security system cost?

A church security system can cost $1,500 to more than $6,000.

Of course, cost will vary on many different factors, such as:

  • Size of the church
  • Number of entryways and areas
  • Location
  • Type of system
  • Equipment
  • Features
  • Security provider

It’s important to note the price range does not include installation fees, maintenance, and any potential subscription fees you may incur.


What does a church security officer do?

Church security officers are tasked with protecting the facility, employees, and the congregation from potential security threats.

More specifically, the duties of a church security officer include, but are not limited to:

  • Monitoring video surveillance
  • Coordinating with local law enforcement
  • Responding to emergencies and alerts
  • Ensuring compliance with government regulations
  • Patrolling interior and exterior areas
  • Maintaining security records and policies
  • Investigating and identifying security breaches or risks
  • Securing all entryways and areas


Do churches need cybersecurity?

Yes, churches need cybersecurity to protect their congregation’s sensitive information from being stolen.


Do churches have cameras?

Churches may have cameras depending on their size and location. Larger churches in urban areas are likely equipped with security cameras, whereas rural churches or smaller congregations may not.


Do churches have to abide by OSHA?

Yes, churches have to abide by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) if they have employees performing secular activities, such as teachers at a church-run school or those performing administrative tasks. These employees are protected under OSHA.

Employees performing religious activities for a church are not protected by OSHA.


coworking access control system cta

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Bryson Hile

I love learning about new technologies, especially within the real estate market. I currently reside in Fishers, Indiana.

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