Ensuring your proptech investment pays off


If you’re upgrading your property with proptech, there are a few things you’ll need to consider first.

Proptech has many applications depending on its users’ requirements. When investing in proptech, choose products or services that address the needs of residents, property staff, or both.

But proptech selection doesn’t have to complicate your life. Read this post to learn how to select the right proptech for your building.

3 steps to select the right proptech for your building:

  1. Know your market
  2. Get internal buy-in
  3. Develop your budget


Step 1: Know your market

It’s true of every business in every industry — the first step to take when making a significant investment is to collect as much information as you can. As a multifamily operator, here are some important things to take into consideration.

To select the right proptech investment, you must first understand:

  • Your market
  • The demographic you’re addressing
  • Your residents’ needs
  • The type of living experience your residents expect
  • The proptech landscape

Your proptech needs will shift depending on which demographic you’re catering to.


Millennials, baby boomers, and proptech

Approximately 75 million millennials now live in America, more than any other age demographic. They will be the largest group of renters for years to come. However, baby boomers remain the wealthiest generation. Plus, as they continue to retire and move to big cities where more services are available to them, they still represent the fastest-growing group of renters.

The primary proptech needs of millennials and baby boomers overlap, but there are a few key differences:

  • Millennials want to ensure product and service delivery to their doorsteps, even when they aren’t home to provide building access.
  • Boomers want the assurance that their living spaces are accessible to those who matter and protected from those who don’t.

Some proptech features appeal to both generations. Millennials and baby boomers both share a desire for convenience and security. They’re also both comfortable with having the doorman experience of providing secure and convenient access to the building without necessarily having doormen themselves.

The National Apartment Association and National Multifamily Housing Council have both reported that security-related proptech ranks at the top of the list for all residents, and Wealth Management Real Estate notes that the majority of residents want convenience-based technology most of all.


Watch how ButterflyMX improves the resident experience:


Step 2: Get internal buy-in

Make sure everyone from upper management to property staff understands the use cases for proptech. Ensure the “why” is clear: You aren’t selecting proptech just because it’s trendy, a hot topic, or the reigning buzzword of the day.

Make sure to demonstrate or explain the value of proptech in terms of:

  • Operating efficiency
  • Positive impact on the building’s NOI
  • High resident satisfaction and retention
  • Lower turnover

Further, trained and knowledgeable staff are essential to your project’s success. There is no substitute for technology preparedness. The National Apartment Association urges property managers are urged to provide upfront and ongoing training and make sure all staff understands why proptech is essential.

One good practice is to cross-train your staff so that each individual knows explicitly what everybody else’s duties and responsibilities are. That way, they can help manage breakdowns and other issues should anything unexpected happen. And always emphasize that what helps your residents can also benefit your staff.


Step 3: Develop your budget

When you’ve decided on your target market, then it’s time to get cost estimates and a detailed breakdown of your hardware, installation, and ongoing maintenance costs so you can nail down your budget.

Some costs may include:

  • Hardware costs
  • Installation fees
  • Ongoing maintenance expenses
  • Recurring software fees
  • Internet and energy bills to power your proptech


Read the ButterflyMX ebook on ensuring your proptech investment pays off

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ButterflyMX is your complete property access solution, providing a secure, convenient, and affordable way to manage and grant access on the go. Empower your tenants and building staff to open doors, gates, and elevators with a smartphone and ensure they never miss a visitor or delivery. Enjoy easy installation and cut costs by eliminating building wiring and in-unit hardware, and save time by integrating with popular access control and property management systems. Join the 10,000+ multifamily, commercial, gated community, and student housing properties that have made access simple with ButterflyMX. To learn more, please visit www.butterflymx.com or call (800) 398-4416.