Key takeaways:

  • A cyber doorman is a remote building entry system that uses offsite operators to manage property access for residents, visitors, and delivery carriers.
  • It typically includes a video intercom, optional security cameras, off-site operators, and an internet-connected door release mechanism.
  • Offers 24/7 monitoring, reduces staffing costs, prevents missed deliveries, and enhances property value.
  • Installation ranges from $1,000 to $70,000, with monthly maintenance fees between $100 and $3,000.


front desk cyber doorman


Real estate is currently going through a technology renaissance. From solar panels to smart locks, the industry is embracing modern technology — and access control is no exception. Building entry systems that leverage the power of the internet, like a cyber doorman (also referred to as a remote doorman), are becoming commonplace.

But what is a cyber doorman, and is it the best way to manage visitor and resident access for your property?

This post covers what a cyber doorman is, how it works, and how much it costs. Then, we explore cyber doorman options and alternatives you should consider before making any decisions.

This post covers:


What is a cyber doorman?

A cyber doorman is a building entry system that depends on a team of offsite operators remotely managing property access for residents, visitors, and delivery carriers.

Cyber doorman systems were created as an alternative to an in-person doorman. Cyber doormen attempt to combine the human touch of a traditional apartment doorman with the cost savings of off-site staff. By leveraging modern technology such as cloud-based access control products and security cameras, your property can offer residents and visitors a secure and convenient access experience without hiring an onsite staff.

A cyber doorman entry system consists of three parts:

  1. Video intercom and optional security camera system. Visitors use a video intercom at the building’s entrance to call the remote doorman, who can see and speak to the visitor and grant or deny them access. You can also opt to install a separate security camera so that the virtual doorman can monitor the interior of the building.
  2. Off-site operators. The off-site operator monitors the intercom and any security cameras in the building’s virtual doorman system in preparation for residents or visitors.
  3. Door strike. The system requires a door release so the offsite operator can remotely unlock the door or gate for visitors. This door release should be internet-connected so an off-site operator can control it remotely.


What does a cyber doorman do?

A cyber doorman keeps the property secure in a multifamily building by remotely managing building access and monitoring the premises. They also lend their services to improving the resident experience.

Cyber doorman benefits include:

  • Cutting costs by using the same remote doorman to monitor multiple buildings
  • 24/7 monitoring capabilities
  • Preventing missed deliveries and visitors
  • Delivery notifications for residents
  • Increases property value


cyber doorman staff onsite


Cyber doorman cost

A cyber doorman can cost $1,000 to $70,000 to install and about $100 to $3,000 monthly to maintain.

These costs are so variable because they depend on how much ground you want to cover with your digital doorman. For example, a cyber doorman solution that requires you to install additional access control devices and security cameras will cost more than a single entry system. In addition, paying a third party to monitor multiple entry points and cameras is more expensive than having someone on your staff do it.


How does a cyber doorman work?

A cyber doorman works by transmitting audio and video data from the entry system at the building to an offsite operator who monitors visitors’ requests for property access.

The location of a cyber doorman command center might be across town, in another state, or even across the country from the building it’s monitoring. All digital doorman systems require an internet connection to provide this remote monitoring service. This enables a visitor to communicate with the virtual operator at the building’s entrance. The off-site operator answers video calls on either their smartphone or their computer.


Watch how ButterflyMX works:


Cyber doorman for package deliveries

Residents’ guests aren’t the only ones who may need to request building access from a virtual doorman. Delivery carriers can also use a virtual doorman service to gain access to your property and complete their deliveries.

Here’s how a cyber doorman facilitates deliveries at your property:

  1. Delivery person calls the digital doorman. With the press of a button, a courier video calls the remote operator. Some systems have a specially marked button intended for delivery people.
  2. Remote doorman grants entry. The remote operator grants entry remotely after receiving the video call and confirming the courier’s identity.
  3. Operator ensures delivery. Through the security camera system, the remote doorman ensures the delivery is completed successfully.

Cyber doormen simplify and assure package deliveries at buildings. Some virtual doorman services even offer 24/7 coverage, guaranteeing that couriers can always drop off packages. This prevents package theft because delivery carriers won’t have to leave parcels outside.


Cyber doorman options & alternatives

While a cyber doorman may be a good way to manage access for your building, other options provide similar doorman services with additional functionality and lower prices.

Three cyber doorman alternatives include:

  1. Virtual Doorman
  2. Telephone entry system
  3. Video intercom system


1. Virtual Doorman

Virtual Doorman is a mobile doorman provider based in New York City. It offers hardware, software, and a team of offsite operators to monitor your building.

The Virtual Doorman company can provide you with 24/7 service. However, some property managers and owners have reported that their costs are too significant to justify. This may be especially true for smaller buildings. You may have to pay for additional access control and security hardware. You also might have to pay monthly fees for ongoing monitoring. Do further research to determine if the costs associated with Virtual Doorman are worth it for your property.


2. Telephone entry system

Telephone entry systems are another way onsite staff can manage visitors and package deliveries. Instead of directing calls to an off-site operator, a telephone entry system connects visitors directly to the residents or staff of the property via a telephone call. Residents and staff can then speak with the guest and grant them property access.

While you may be able to recreate some of the features of a mobile doorman using a telephone entry system, these systems depend on outdated technology that can’t handle complex tasks like video calling.

In other words:

While telephone entry systems give your staff some control over visitor and package management, they don’t provide the security and peace of mind that video-enabled cyber doorman solutions provide.


3. Video intercom system

Today’s modern video intercom systems are a cost-effective alternative that provides all the services of a remote doorman with additional functionality that your residents and staff will appreciate.

By using a video intercom system, you’ll achieve the functionality of a remote doorman by enabling on- or off-site staff members to vet visitors and manage property access. In addition, you can hire a third-party team of doorman operators to supplement your staff and provide additional coverage when needed. And, because video intercom systems include cameras, you’ll improve property security through features like two-way video calling and photos of each visitor.

You can also use a video intercom to supplement your onsite doorman during business hours while accommodating visitors and deliveries when the doorman is off duty. This saves you money by reducing your need for additional staff while still ensuring visitor access during those hours.


ButterflyMX as a cyber doorman

The ButterflyMX video intercom is the best cyber doorman solution. ButterflyMX’s tech-powered access system simplifies the delivery process for your staff and lets them spend more time focusing on residents.

The video intercom’s touchscreen interface is highly customizable and integrates with the ButterflyMX front desk station. The front desk station is a high-tech solution to a virtual doorman, allowing property managers to view live video feed of their ButterflyMX video intercom and speak directly to visitors remotely.

In addition, ButterflyMX provides your residents and staff with features not available in other virtual doorman solutions. For your residents, ButterflyMX offers a mobile app that your tenants can use to open the door for themselves or a guest at any time. For your staff, ButterflyMX simplifies building operations by integrating it with your property management software. This ensures that the intercom directory and access permissions are always up to date as residents move in and out.

Another package reception option that ButterflyMX provides is a package room, which supplements your remote doorman solution. The package room securely accepts and stores your package deliveries. Once the courier has entered your property, the remote doorman can also grant access to the package room so they can drop off their package. Otherwise, the carrier can use a delivery PIN to enter the package room and drop off their parcels.


see how ButterflyMX can simplify access

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Ferdison Cayetano

Content Writer
Ferdison has been a Content Writer at ButterflyMX since 2021. As a writer in the real estate field, he’s passionate about innovations in urban design, green spaces, and proptech.

Before joining ButterflyMX, Ferdison wrote for several campus magazines and interned for a publishing house. He’s been published in real estate publications like Business Partner Magazine, Architecture Designs, and Total Security Advisor.

Ferdison is a history major and a graduate of the College of William & Mary. He currently lives in Queens, New York, where he regularly guides his bar trivia team to a strong middle-place finish.

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