RentDynamics CRM review


Property managers and owners have a big job: deliver an exceptional experience to existing residents while constantly finding new tenants to fill vacancies. One tool that can help simplify your job is a CRM like RentDynamics.

Essentially, RentDynamics promises its clients an easy-to-use platform with the most essential CRM tools to ease the leasing and prospecting processes. Read on to learn more about RentDynamics’ software and see if it might be right for your team.

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About RentDynamics

Based in Logan, Utah, RentDynamics was born and built in the multifamily industry. The company describes its mission as improving the rental process through technology and services delivered with an exceptional customer experience.

Components of their platform include:

  • Resident Journey
  • CRM
  • Contact Center
  • RentPlus
  • Integrations


How RentDynamics CRM works

RentDynamics’ multifamily CRM is software designed for property managers and multi-tenant building owners who want to improve the leasing journey, from prospecting to lease signing.

The team behind RentDynamics firmly believes that every touchpoint matters. So, their multifamily CRM aims to streamline and optimize the inbound process. With a relatively simple user interface, the software is designed to make it easy for any property management team member to turn leads into applicants and leases.

The RentDynamics software operates with a fluid feedback channel to meet your leasing team’s unique needs. With their CRM, you may be able to boost your marketing and leasing efforts by working smarter, not harder. Additionally, the software may help you better understand which strategies are working and which aren’t.


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Review of RentDynamics

The most successful property management companies have strong prospecting and lead nurturing processes. And a property management CRM is one of the best tools to boost your efforts in these areas.

So, keep reading to learn more about RentDynamics CRM and discover its features, pricing, and pros & cons.



  • Automated follow-ups: Save time for leasing agents by automating follow-up correspondence with prospects.
  • Email templates: Streamline your email communication by saving templates of frequently sent emails.
  • Resident-centric guest cards: Step up your guest cards by making them quick and easy for guests to fill out.
  • Leasing Dashboard: Takes everyday redundant tasks and presents them in an easy-to-track format. Staff and teams can focus on what matters most: nurturing leads and tending to residents.
  • Voice of Customer (VoC): Acts as a “professional shopper” using AI to extract insights from millions of prospect and resident phone calls and emails to track trend behavior in a customizable dashboard.
  • Integrations: RentDynamics partners with several multifamily software providers and credit bureaus, offering integrations that further streamline your experience using their CRM.
  • Marketing reporting & analytics: Get insight into your marketing efforts with easy-to-read data reports.
  • Chatbot: The live chatbot offers guided prospect engagement.


RentDynamics pricing

RentDynamics CRM pricing is not available online, so you must contact their sales team for a quote.


Pros & cons


  • The software is designed specifically for multifamily real estate.
  • The company may offer live online training sessions.
  • RentDynamics integrates with a handful of other multifamily software providers that may already be in your tech stack, including Yardi, Entrata, and AWS.
  • The platform has good customization options.



  • RentDynamics may support English only.
  • There may not be a mobile app or great mobile experience — meaning the software may only work properly on a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Their 24/7 customer service may only be available from a call center, which isn’t as useful as in-house representatives.


Learn how to determine how much you should charge for rent:


Should you get RentDynamics?

If you own or manage a multifamily building, RentDynamics may help you improve the leasing process to boost your bottom line. Their platform empowers you to deliver excellent service to prospects without wasting time.

A CRM is a worthwhile investment for any multifamily property, and RentDynamics seems to offer the most important tools you’d need in a CRM. Their integrations with other industry software and hardware providers are another plus.

That said, RentDynamics doesn’t appear to offer a free trial of their software. So, you may want to explore other options before investing in their property management CRM.


Alternatives to RentDynamics

RentDynamics isn’t the only CRM on the market — there are plenty of other software providers out there.




RentRedi was founded by CEO Ryan Barone when his application to rent a New York apartment was turned down as a student and Wall Street intern. He believed there was a more streamlined and accurate way for renters and landlords to do business.

RentRedi has grown into a software provider that offers owners and operators precisely what they need at a fraction of the price. Property managers can expect features such as rent collection and accounting, tenant screening, prequalification and applications, listings and marketing, and team and tenant communications.



Leadsimple’s CRM was designed specifically for property managers. It empowers you to track calls and emails, and organize leads into groups. Similar to Rent Dynamics, it also offers integrations with other multifamily software.



Investing in a powerful CRM as a property manager can help you streamline your prospecting and leasing processes. By automating the tedious manual work of coordinating, scheduling, following up, and managing leads, you’ll save time and money.

RentDynamics is worth looking into if you need a CRM as it offers the most essential tools. However, since pricing isn’t available online, it’s hard to say if you’ll get a good bang for your buck.


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Disclaimer: ButterflyMX provides these blog posts to help our customers and potential customers make the right business decisions for them. Our blog posts are based on the information we have available to us at the time of writing.

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