meetelise ai leasing assistant review


Artificial intelligence, or AI, has become a core part of many products across industries, and for good reason. This technology has a lot to offer to real estate. AI is now being used in property management, especially on the operational side and particularly across the leasing process. And one AI leasing assistant to consider is MeetElise.

Although recently introduced to the industry, AI leasing assistants such as MeetElise have already made quite an impact. However, as the technology is new, there’s still a lot to evaluate when it comes to using them for property management.

Compared to the many AI leasing assistants out there, how does MeetElise stack up? Read on to learn more about MeetElise to help you decide if it’s the best choice for you.

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About MeetElise

EliseAI was founded in 2017 with the mission of making great housing affordable to everyone. Their flagship product, the MeetElise AI leasing assistant, uses conversational AI to manage and streamline conversations and processes efficiently.

MeetElise uses sophisticated AI technology to help businesses create a better customer experience by transforming the communications and operations process. The resulting product is a cutting-edge AI platform powered by data science that enables better efficiency across property management companies.


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How the MeetElise AI leasing assistant works

The primary offering for MeetElise is its ability to answer questions in real-time. This streamlines the leasing process for both renters and property managers. Essentially, MeetElise provides on-demand information, which helps property managers deliver better customer service to prospects.

MeetElise can be used to automatically answer all kinds of frequently asked questions across different channels. For example, renters and prospects can send questions to Elise, and the system will give them the answers. Further, Elise can automatically answer emails, texts, and phone calls — guaranteeing that you never miss a prospect.

As a result, it takes the pressure off property managers to constantly check their inboxes, while also ensuring that prospects and renters are getting the information they need in the most convenient way possible.



  • The chatbot feature answers incoming questions and requests.
  • Can handle specific requests such as scheduling tours, providing leasing instructions, following up with prospects, and rescheduling meetings.
  • Customizable responses and sign-offs.
  • It can be used for a variety of channels, including emails, texts, and phone calls.
  • Integrates with existing property management systems, including phone trees, calendars, and CRMs.
  • Tracks and provides performance data, including conversion rates and conversion health.


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MeetElise pricing is unavailable publicly, but customers can book a demo for the product using the MeetElise website. During the demo, a sales representative will share pricing information.


Pros & cons


  • Streamlines operations for property managers.
  • Reduces workload by automating initial communication with prospects, such as scheduling tours and answering frequently asked questions.
  • Ensures a consistent experience for every prospect and eliminates the risk of leads going unresponded to.
  • Integrates with your existing systems.
  • Tracks essential business metrics and provides you with data.
  • Customizable responses allow you to personalize the AI.


  • Can schedule but cannot lead self-guided tours.
  • No photo gallery integration.
  • No integration with marketing channels.
  • Little clarity on how or when the AI transfers to human team members for additional communication.
  • Not a lot of information on what systems MeetElise can integrate with.


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Should you get the MeetElise AI leasing assistant?

MeetElise may be an excellent option for an AI leasing assistant if you’re looking to streamline specific parts of your property management process. It could be particularly useful on the operational side, as it automates initial communication with the prospect.

Additionally, because it integrates with text, email, and SMS, property managers can rest assured that they’re covered on all channels.

For busy teams trying to schedule many tours, while also juggling communication with prospects, MeetElise can be immensely useful since it reduces much of that workload. What’s more, MeetElise also tracks and shows important performance metrics, such as conversion rates, to help businesses see how they’re doing and keep a better eye on overall performance.

However, MeetElise does have some limitations. While the AI leasing assistant is a valuable tool for property managers in functions such as scheduling and answering prospects’ questions, it may not offer much beyond that.

MeetElise is best used to keep a line of communication that’s present and consistent. While Elise can be a useful tool on the operational side, it does not have any marketing features. And although it can integrate with existing systems to an extent, there’s not enough information on available integrations to guarantee it’ll integrate with your systems.


Alternatives to MeetElise

Asides from MeetElise, there are many alternative solutions out there for AI leasing assistants. Let’s take a closer look at some of the other options for AI leasing assistants.

Respage is a multifamily AI leasing assistant that streamlines communication across different channels. Respage can be used to respond to leads and answer follow-up questions from prospects, including scheduling tours and other tasks. Further, Respage can be customized and automated to follow up with prospects and leads in order to increase conversions.

BetterBot is an automated leasing assistant for multifamily homes. This AI leasing assistant automates communication between leads and prospects. BetterBot collects key prospect information and guides conversations to schedule tours with potential renters. Additionally, it automates responses and follow-up for maximum conversion.



  • The MeetElise AI leasing assistant may be a solid choice for property managers looking to increase the efficiency of their leasing process.
  • MeetElise automatically responds to prospects via email, phone calls, and SMS, ensuring you never miss a lead.
  • You can customize responses on MeetElise, so you don’t need to worry about the AI sounding robotic.
  • MeetElise is a great tool to streamline your property operations, but can’t do much in terms of marketing.


Read the ButterflyMX ebook on the shift from high-tough to high-tech

Disclaimer: ButterflyMX provides these blog posts to help our customers and potential customers make the right business decisions for them. Our blog posts are based on the information we have available to us at the time of writing.

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Meredith Murray

My passion lies at the intersection of real estate & technology. Brooklynite always.