amenities for apartment renters


The world is filled with many different types of renters. But regardless of their differences, renters of all ages love the convenience and improved security that technology offers. With this in mind, one way you can improve the resident experience at your apartment building is to offer proptech amenities.

Property technology goes a long way in improving your residents’ daily lives. In this post, we review the top three proptech apartment amenities that every resident (regardless of age) wants in their home.

The 3 proptech amenities apartment residents really want:

  1. Simplified entry for delivery people and service providers
  2. Smart-home technologies
  3. Package rooms


1. Simple building entry for delivery people & service providers

Everyone loves food delivery — especially millennials, Gen Zers, and young renters. But no one likes ordering food and then having to go down to the lobby to meet the delivery person because they can’t get into the building or can’t access the elevator.

Food delivery isn’t the only on-demand service your residents use. They also hire maintenance workers, dog walkers, and house cleaners. It’s undoubtedly inconvenient to take personal time because the cable technician is coming on a Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Residents want the convenience of ordering food and services online, and property managers want the security of knowing who’s coming and going. So how do you achieve this? With proptech.

When your pair on-demand services with the right proptech apartment amenities, providers make it to your resident’s door even when no one is home. In order to get guests through the front door, you need a property access system with delivery and visitor management features.

Choose an access control system that offers:

  • Virtual keys, which residents can send to one-time or recurring guests.
  • Delivery PINs, which building staff can give to couriers for recurring use.
  • Delivery Passes, which residents can send to delivery carriers for one-time use.


Proptech appeals to millennial residents.


2. Smart home technologies

The primary goal of smart home technology is to empower residents to use it to its full potential. Smart-home technologies create a convenient and seamless living experience, and they’re great amenities for gated communities and apartments.

According to a study by Entrata, more than 75% of residents are willing to pay more for a smart apartment. And 57% are willing to increase their monthly rent by at least $20 for smart-home technologies.

While we may not be living in a Jetsons’ world yet, voice-enabled devices such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant have already brought value to millions of homes. They have become the most popular way to deliver a smart-home experience.

You can combine these voice-enabled devices with products such as:

  • Lighting
  • Thermostats
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Video monitoring systems
  • Smart door locks
  • Electrical outlets

Companies such as Samsung and PointCentral create the hardware necessary to connect your appliances to the internet. However, without software, those appliances won’t be able to talk to each other.

Dwelo and Vivint are among the popular software vendors that offer critical middleware to connect these devices. Without middleware, these smart devices can’t work together. The software also allows your video intercom to communicate with each unit at your property.

Imagine your resident walking into your building, and their apartment air conditioning turns on, the oven preheats, and the blinds automatically lower all before they even make it to their floor. That future is closer than you think.


3. Package rooms

People shop for everything online now. When COVID-19 struck the U.S. in March 2020, the country experienced a 160% year-over-year increase in online shopping. And even before the pandemic, deliveries were on the rise.

Increasing delivery rates place great strain on property managers, who are now expected to manage deliveries in addition to everything else. As such, you need an effective package management solution powered by real estate technology.


Pandemic delivery statistics.


Package rooms are a simple way to manage deliveries. They allow couriers to quickly and securely store packages of any size without involving the on-duty property manager. There is also no need for additional hardware or designated space that can only fit small- and medium-sized packages.

A designated package room provides the following benefits:

  • Reduced operational costs by not hiring additional staff during peak delivery or off-hours.
  • Improved building operations related to accepting, sorting, and distributing packages.
  • Improved resident experience in knowing their packages aren’t going to go missing.

Also noteworthy: A study conducted among residents by Cortland Partners indicated that 76% strongly preferred designated package retrieval solutions over traditional pickup. And 40% said they were more likely to renew their leases if their property provided a package solution.


Invest in proptech amenities

Proptech amenities are a sound investment for any apartment. As technology becomes more deeply ingrained in all facets of life, it’s time to start implementing it into your properties. And if cost is holding you back from offering proptech, consider charging a proptech amenity fee. After all, most residents are willing to pay a bit more in exchange for technology that improves their lives.

A smart decision for today’s modern smart homes, proptech helps you retain existing residents and attract new ones. What’s more, you’ll set your building apart from the competition while maximizing NOI. With these three proptech amenities on your property, you’ll set yourself up for success today and far into the future.


guide to proptech amenities

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ButterflyMX is your complete property access solution, providing a secure, convenient, and affordable way to manage and grant access on the go. Empower your tenants and building staff to open doors, gates, and elevators with a smartphone and ensure they never miss a visitor or delivery. Enjoy easy installation and cut costs by eliminating building wiring and in-unit hardware, and save time by integrating with popular access control and property management systems. Join the 10,000+ multifamily, commercial, gated community, and student housing properties that have made access simple with ButterflyMX. To learn more, please visit or call (800) 398-4416.